
Monday, December 20, 2010

Loving Your Natural Hair

Happy Monday,

I love my natural hair and all the fine strands that it consists of.   I love how easily detangled it is since I learned the proper way to detangle.  I love the curly/kinky/coilyness of my hair.  I don't know if my hair would have been the same texture if I had done this in my 20's or 30's but now it is what it is.  Would I love my natural texture if my Kitchen was 4C or my hairline had BDB's  around it.   I can't really say.  All I can speak on is what I have now since I have gone natural.  My hair texture is 3C/4A/4B  shoot, I don't know but it is extra soft and never too kinky.  I can get SSK's if I do not take my twists out correctly or if I do not keep those coily ends moisturized.

This weekend I wore my twists in various styles and with it cold outside my hats were in Effect!  I plan on continuing my protective styling with twists and updo's in the hopes of retaining length and seeing my hairs full potential.  I know I have to keep my ends protected and moisturized and that is key.  Even though they are not tucked, they are always kept very moist and I have no problem moistening and smoothing the ends to reduce SSK's.  I would like to achieve a full 3 inches of growth by April.... We will see how that goes.

Here are a couple pics of my hair today.  Since wearing the turtleneck, I decided to twist and tuck the back of my hair and hold in place with 2 black flower clips.   Also I pinned the front to one side...that's my sexy look...LOL.   Hope you enjoy the blog and the pics.

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