
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Went to Natural Hair Salon --- Not Wowed!

Well I have been posting on NP but had not done a post on my own blog.   Well here is how the appointment went.

When I arrived Jennifer welcomed me and escorted me to the wash basin.  I discussed with her that I was thinking about some color but she said that she would have had to schedule it in her book in advance and that she had a birthday party to take her kids to after finishing my hair.

She proceeded to wet down my hair and wash and finger comb detangle.  There were a few tangles but not much since I had detangled my hair prior to twisting and removed into a twist out for my appt.   Well she began to state that her clients normally comb out their hair prior to the appt.  Well coming directly from work, that was not going to be possible and really, I just didnt "get it".

After washing she proceeded to condition my hair and detangle.  She asked if my head was itching... as she began to drag her nails across my scalp.  Okay... Im not big on that at all... I dont want any abrasions.  I didnt like her detangling technique although my hair is very easily detangled.   She started at mid range of the hair shaft and did not take proper care in holding the hair at the ends but actually pulling the comb away from the head.   She detangled in sections and Thank Goodness my hair is awesome wet with conditioner.   She then rinsed and took the towel and did not plopp but instead rubbed upwards and downwards.   I would have preferred plopping or just squeezing.

Well she had to remove clips from the client before me who had gotten two strands and it was about 3 inches long and beautifully colored and styled.   I then assumed the position in the chair and she began to mix her concoction of Carols Daughter Mimosa and Loc butter and shea.... Awesome as well as a Tui Leave in.  My hair felt like butter and smelled wonderful.  

Jennifer was very gentle with my hairline and very neat in her styling approach.   She asked me about my comfort in what she was doing and I was fine.  After about the 4th flat twist, I asked her about the ends of my hair and trimming.   She said my hair needed a trim and I said " Well why didnt you tell me and trim the ends".   She said that I would need to schedule that in my appointment.   Hmmm.... how long does a trim really take.... Of course I thought that was BS and started to feel like since she had a prior commitment that I was being a bit rushed.   Well she finished styling in less than 30 mins and it was scalpy but nice and neat.   I sat under a warm dryer for about 7 mins and was ready to hit the door.

The price of all this was $68, that was with the 15% discount.   I was not wowed, with the price or services.   But felt a feeling of adequacy.   Okay, I did not make another appointment before leaving and felt that really I had received minimal services that didnt require $80 on a good day.  I think I will possible stick to doing my own hair for now.  I got more compliments on my pinned to one side twists than I have on this style.   The stylist did say that my hair was in great condition with great elasticity.. but do I trust her when she detangles mid shaft?  Hmmm.   I know I take pretty good care of my hair and I use good products.   I think I will continue to do my own and continue to be creative in my age appropriate styling.   However, I do want some color.   Gonna have to think about where I wanna go for that.

In the meantime, I am slapping that rag on my hair and sporting this $80 do until I cant rock it any more.  I have to get at least 2 full weeks out of it or I will feel like I made a huge donation to someones grocery bill/cable/internet/phone (Triple/Quaduple Play).

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